Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mother's Day mini Tri May 2009

Ok, that was pretty pathetic!! Last out of the pool in the 300 m swim (8:40), last off the bike after a 15 km cycle (35:37) ...well, not last on the 4.5 km run (23 minutes) as I caught 2 people before the finish. So, yes, I was disappointed even though the warm sun was shining beautifully!!

I'm not sure what to take away from this race except that I know I have to really work on my swim...and my transition times.

I got a new inhaler this week and I'm determined to get my 300 m down to 7 minutes before the end of the season! The pool seemed packed (maybe 20 participants?) and one of the girls in my lane was panicking so I spent some time calming her down...but not enough time to really affect my race outcome.

I also have to try to choose and organize my gear better so that I can switch to the next sport more quickly. I think I had been too undecided about the weather and had too many clothing options available to me.

And maybe I was tired from the race yesterday, but I do feel great and wish I could play like this every day!

Post race: I was interviewed by a fellow from the local paper who showed up to cover the race...a fellow tri guy sent him over to me. And later we feasted on a marvelous barbecued roast and salads...and tons of desserts; exchanged stories, and planned some training sessions and events.

Hometown races always have that extra special feel of comradere, and make the day more than a tally of numbers! :D!
~ Valerie ~

What Drives You?

What occupies your daily thinking...the minute by minute decisions you make? What colours your perspective of the daily world and the routines you keep, the friends you spend the most time with? your motivator truely what you value most in life? Does it comfort you when you're alone? Does it support you as you journey within to find all that you can be?

If so, I hope you will share your secret! For you are on your way to daily and lasting peace, joy and fullfilment...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Mini Tri

Ok, that was pretty pathetic!! Last out of the pool in the 300 m swim (8:40), last off the bike after a 15 km cycle (35:37) ...well, not last on the 4.5 km run (23 minutes) as I caught 2 people before the finish. So, yes, I was disappointed even though the warm sun was shining beautifully!!

I'm not sure what to take away from this race except that I know I have to really work on my swim...and my transition times.

I got a new inhaler this week and I'm determined to get my 300 m down to 7 minutes before the end of the season! The pool seemed packed (maybe 20 participants?) and one of the girls in my lane was panicking so I spent some time calming her down...but not enough time to really affect my race outcome.

I also have to try to choose and organize my gear better so that I can switch to the next sport more quickly. I think I had been too undecided about the weather and had too many clothing options available to me.

And maybe I was tired from the race yesterday, but I do feel great and wish I could play like this every day!

Post race: I was interviewed by a fellow from the local paper who showed up to cover the race...a fellow tri guy sent him over to me. And later we feasted on a marvelous barbecued roast and salads...and tons of desserts; exchanged stories, and planned some training sessions and events.

Hometown races always have that extra special feel of comradere, and make the day more than a tally of numbers! :D!
~ Valerie ~